Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Who killed the electric car review

I strongly recomend that everyone watch "Who killed the electric car". It is an amazing show which documents the greed and stupidity of General Motors, The oil companies, the California goverment and the public to name a few. We were moving in the right direction over ten years ago. We all should see the movie to understand why California always seems to be at the front of the pollution fight and why we should all band together to help in this fight. Get the movie here

"make green a reality"

1 comment:

  1. I'm thankful to be invited to talk at this year's Expo about the coming electrification of our transportation. I encourage you to see this documentary that truly tells an amazing story. A story that can't be more pertinent today.

    I'll give a brief review of the history depicted in the film before talking about the really good news. The EVs are coming back with a vengeance, and renewable energy is all we want powering them!
